Read reviews by Michael Weinstein in Newcity, and by reporter Lauren Veira in the Chicago Tribune and come out by next Saturday to see the show.
Our next exhibit features a solo show from David Burdeny's new series Sacred & Secular and a group show in galleries 2 & 3 with prints from the Yale University School of Art 2010 MFA Photography candidates. Check out the press release on our website, and come out for the season opener on September 10. Galleries in every district will be open; this is a night to clear your schedule and make sure you get out and see some art!
You can find a complete list of galleries that will be premiering new shows for the season opener (September 10), and a schedule for the rest of the year on Chicago Gallery News' website. They also now organize the Saturday morning art tours around River North, and you can find that schedule here.

(below) David Burdeny, River Nile, Cairo, Egypt, 2009
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